Parma Family Dental Center - Dentures

Complete and Partial Dentures

Solutions for missing teeth

Removable dentures are a solution for missing teeth because they are custom-made replacements that can be taken out and put back in the mouth. They fill the gaps left by missing teeth, restoring your smile, ability to chew, and overall oral function. They are a practical and cost-effective way to replace multiple missing teeth, providing support and aesthetics for those who may not be candidates for more permanent options like dental implants.

Complete and Partial Dentures

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots typically made of titanium, surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth. Our office will evaluate you for implants through a comprehensive process. This includes a thorough examination, dental history review, and often imaging like X-rays. We assess bone density and overall oral health to determine if you're a suitable candidate. If eligible, we'll discuss the implant procedure, potential benefits, and address any concerns you may have.

Partial Dentures

A partial denture or bridge typically comprises artificial teeth affixed to a pink or gum-colored acrylic base. In some cases, it may be reinforced with a metal framework to secure it within the oral cavity. Partial dentures are employed when one or more natural teeth persist in either the upper or lower jaw. On the other hand, a fixed bridge serves to replace missing teeth through the placement of crowns on adjacent teeth, which are then used as anchors for the attachment of artificial teeth.

Partial Dentures

Complete Dentures

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace an entire set of missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Crafted from acrylic or a combination of materials, they provide a natural-looking set of teeth for individuals who have lost all their natural teeth. These dentures enhance both oral function and aesthetics, enabling patients to chew, speak, and smile with confidence. Custom-fitted to each individual, complete dentures are removable for cleaning and maintenance, offering an affordable and effective solution for those with total tooth loss. Regular check-ups with a dentist ensure their proper fit and comfort.